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So what do you write about after being away from your blog for a while? Dogs’ of course! What a pair they are!
Morning is play time. When I first came home I was a little worried about a male 60-pound lab playing with a 20-pound blind dog, even if she was a little roughneck! I kept him on leash, but Sangria tormented him! So, I had to trust nature, though mom was not totally comfortable! [smiles) 
I need not worry. Lex seemed to just realize Sangria was small. At first he acted as if she was his big dog friend. He would slap his feet in a play bow, and I would worry he would hit her and possibly hurt her inadvertently. She would grab a toy, run in circles and growl like a little lion. If things got too rough, I would stop things and ask Lex to come, but over the last two weeks, he has learned she is just a bit smaller than he is. He even seems to know she cannot see. If he has a toy he will put it in front of her face to tease her into grabbing it, and the growling and tugging is on. The noise sounds as if I live in a zoo, and if the birds join in the racket … Well, I live in a zoo!!!